Extended Profile Deviations

Metric ID

Deviation Details and HEI Response

Findings of DVV

Response from HEI


Number of teaching staff / full time teachers during the last five years (Without repeat count):


DC. Provide the list of all full-time teachers indicating the name of the department during the last five years, and as authenticated by the Registrar (Academic)/Principle

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Number of teaching staff / full time teachers year wise during the last five years


full-time teacher is one who is employed for at least 90 per cent of the normal or statutory number of hours of work during the year only considered.

A.Y. 2021-22


A.Y. 2020-21


A.Y. 2019-20


A.Y. 2018-19

A.Y. 2017-18


Expenditure excluding salary component year wise during the last five years (INR in lakhs)



Please highlight expenditure in the audited statement (excluding salary component) and number the highlighted items so that sum of these numbered items gives the total expenditure claimed by you. It should be endorsed by Head of the institution.

Consolidated Sheet

A.Y. 2021-22


A.Y. 2020-21


A.Y. 2019-20


A.Y. 2018-19

A.Y. 2017-18